Donna K. Caldwell Offers Business Advice to Entrepreneurs

Donna K. Caldwell Offers Business Advice to Entrepreneurs

Name:  Donna K. Caldwell

Title and Company: President; Original DKC Enterprises LLC

What prompted you to start your company and why do you think it’s been successful?

I wanted a better lifestyle for myself and family.

 What has been the most memorable moment in your career so far?

 Stepping out on faith and starting the business.

What advice can you give others on balancing personal life and a career?

It’s hard but you must pray, meditate and obey God’s Word for your life and listen to your body.

Give us your three keys to success.

Focus, determination and desire

In your career, how do you continue to stay inspired?

I love to read the Bible. It is one of my favorite books. I follow others and listen to God-anointed people such as Joseph Prince, Joel Osteen, Creflo Dollar, Kenneth and Gloria Copeland and others. My biggest joy comes from all seven of my grandchildren. They are amazing … each one perfect in their own way.

How do you continually educate yourself in your field?

I need to do more of this. I take classes as they pertain to different skills we provided. OSHA training is required and they have great classes across the country. BSCAI and ISSA are great organizations to be associated with. Also I must stress you have to be a member of the Women’s Business Enterprises Alliance (WBEA) and the Houston Minority Supplier Development Council. These organizations open doors if you use the resources they offer. I love them and feel they have helped build my business.

What projects are you currently working on that you want to share with our readers?

Making sure as we close the books on 2012 and head into 2013 we have everything in order. That is very important for a small business. So my big project right now is to make sure we go into 2013 with a healthy cash flow.

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