Exes, Wives and Love: Join Tweet Party Oct. 30

Exes, Wives and Love: Join Tweet Party Oct. 30

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1 very remarkable; extraordinary

With so many shows about “wives” and “exes” all over the airwaves, do we really know what healthy relationships look like in the reality TV era? What I see when I watch  television are shattered relationships, the ongoing tug-of-war between the sexes, and desperation. Many of the so-called “wives” are divorcees, girlfriends or baby’s mamas.

Healthy relationships start with a healthy sense of self. Do you feel balanced in your life? Do you make sensible choices for yourself? If not, here are three ways you can begin to cultivate real love and have “real” relationships, no matter what city you live in.

1. Sex does not equate to love. Just because someone wants to have sex with you doesn’t mean they love you. Sex can be a beautiful expression of love, but it is not the same as love. “Men use love to get sex, woman use sex to get love.” If you are hoping to get love from sex, you’d be a sex addict. It will never be enough. What does love mean to you?

2. Romantic love is not a substitute for self-love. Even if you are in love  with someone, you must always think about what is best for you and your life. A healthy partner is not there to fix you, but to support you in growing into your best self.

3. Be a true friend to yourself first. What is a true friend? Quality lovers are friends who have deep caring and concern for each other. Have you ever tried to to befriend yourself? Until you truly develop that healthy connect with yourself, it will be difficult to offer something you don’t have. When we try to offer something we don’t have, the results are unhealthy, out of balance and nonsensical. What can you do to begin giving yourself the gift of friendship?

Until next month, always remember you have the power to “Cr8 Ur Own Reality!”
#PhenomenallyU …Cr8 ur own reality.

Lacey C. Clark! of Sisters’ Sanctuary is an award-winning, speaker, author and life coach specializing in young women. She is the creator of the Phenomenally U Summit and author of the upcoming series, The Phenomenal Files. @queencelebrateu, www.phenomenallyu.com
You’re invited to our #phenomenallyu tweet party, Oct. 30, 7-8 p.m. EST.

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