‘Real Housewives’ Cynthia Bailey Talks Life, Hollywood and Bravo TV

'Real Housewives' Cynthia Bailey Talks Life, Hollywood and Bravo TV

While the talk of Atlanta was the return of the salacious hit TV show,”The Real Housewives of Atlanta,” the real story was  cast member Cynthia Bailey gracing the cover of rolling out.  Before Bailey held a private screening for the show’s premiere, she sat down with the magazine to talk shop about the upcoming season.

 What are your thoughts on the new season of the show?

I’m excited! I have grown a lot on the show this season. There will be a lot of surprises.

What can we expect to see from you, and the evolution in your life?
Big things. I have a great life. I am very blessed.
Is it tough dealing with all of the personalities on the show? How do you handle it?
Um, yes. Working with a group of women for an extended period of time has its challenges. I handle it one day at a time.
Does celebrity ever become exhausting?
Not really, because I signed up for it.
How do you separate you the person from you the celebrity … and does it ever get difficult to separate the two?
I am always Cynthia.
What steps do you take to ensure that you’re improving both as an entrepreneur, and as a woman?
Try to make smart choices, and if it ends up being the wrong choice, learn from it.
Does social media affect your perception of yourself, and your perception of others ? Do you ever look at twitter/Facebook to help gauge how the public feels about you?
If it’s negative, they are getting blocked … I don’t need negative energy in my world.
How does Hollywood affect your personal life?
I love success, but can do without the fame. I will never be Hollywood.
How do you determine you can trust … and how do you determine who you can’t trust but still need to work with?
I have to trust in God and in myself.
What’s the one thing that you know now that you wish you could tell yourself before you entered the entertainment industry?
That winners never fail … they just regroup and do it another way.
Name one aspect of you that you hope to work on and improve upon over the next year? 
To be even more fearless.
Make sure you check out Cynthia Bailey’s official cover story with rolling out magazine.
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