Big Boi is no Obama supporter: ‘I’m a Libertarian’

Big Boi is no Obama supporter: 'I'm a Libertarian'

Now, that the intensity of the 2012 election year has passed, it seems that more celebrities will be making their political views public. Actress Stacey Dash famously came under fire this past fall for voicing her support for Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney; and the criticisms were most pointed from some in the African American community. Now, Atlanta hip-hop superstar Big Boi is making it known that he, like Dash, did not vote for President Barack Obama this past November.

Speaking on Huffington Post Live, the former OutKast rhymer recalled an incident where a white woman congratulated him sarcastically after Obama’s victory.

“Well, I was, you know, leaving to go out of town, and it was a lady — a Caucasian lady — and she was like, ‘Oh yeah, congratulations on y’all win last night,’ you know, with like an attitude,” he said during the interview. “And, you know, just to let her know I was on my p’s and q’s, I was like, ‘I don’t know what you talkin’ bout, I voted for Gary Johnson.’ And she looked shocked to even know that I knew there were other candidates on the ballot, you know what I’m saying? So, you can’t judge a book by its cover.”

Gary Johnson, the former governor of New Mexico, ran for president as a Libertarian. And he gained more votes than any Libertarian presidential candidate in the party’s history. He garnered 1,225,000 votes and raised $1,099,548 from 13,184 donors during his campaign.

And Big Boi made it clear that he was very serious about his political affiliation.

“Yes, I’m a Libertarian. I’m [pro] liberty, justice for all, liberty for all,” he shared. “I’m really pro-people, pro-freedom, and, you know, this is all about positivity. Like … I have nothing against the president at all, you know — he’s a nice guy. But, it’s just … the things that they’re standing on right now just didn’t agree with me. Anything that benefits the public and not just big banking — that’s what I’m with.”

– stereo williams

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