Beyonce has quickly ascended to the top of PETA’s most wanted list of leather and fur “violators.” While many other celebrities are stripping naked in ads to protest the use of mammals’ and reptiles’ skin as decorative wear, Beyonce has continued to flaunt her cache of expensive animal hide, and has done so on the world’s biggest stages, most recently with the Christian Dior mink coat she flossed at the 57th inauguration in Washington and the skimpy leather outfit she wore for Super Bowl XLVII in New Orleans.
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) were particularly outraged and aghast that Queen Bey had the audacity to wrap her daughter, Blue Ivy, in a gray fur wrapping last year.

But Bey Bey’s critically acclaimed performance in slick black leather during halftime of the Super Bowl — before an audience in access of 100 million people — got PETA’s temperature volcanic hot.
“We would take a bet that if Beyoncé watched our video exposés … she’d probably not want to be seen again in anything made of snakes, lizards, rabbits or other animals who died painfully,” it reads. “Today’s fashions are trending toward humane vegan options, and Beyoncé’s Super Bowl outfit missed the mark on that score.”
What is really driving PETA crazy is the fact that, despite their loud public protests against Beyonce, the music superstar has completely ignored them over the years.
The following photos of Beyonce’s leather and fur outfits get under PETA’s skin the most. If you are a member of PETA, proceed to the following pages with caution.