Top 10 HBCUs in crisis from PLUS Loan disaster

hbcu rally
The U.S. Department of Education recently enacted much more stringent student loan requirements, dramatically impacting the ability of thousands of urban students to continue to attend Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs).

More than 14,000 students were unable to continue with their higher educational aspirations because the new loans. Those applying for Parent PLUS loans found they could be denied loans if they had a major change in their credit within five years of applying for the loan. With student loans and financial aid making up to 80 percent of HBCU school budgets, this problem has reached crisis proportions.

Many HBCU students, presidents and other high-ranking officials convened on Capitol Hill in Washington beginning on Monday, April 15 for the annual NAFEO conference (National Association for Equal Opportunity in Higher Education) with the main topic of conversation devising strategy to combat this new regulation or rescinded.

Below are the top 10 schools that were adversely impacted with students denied loans under the new student loan laws and requirements: 

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