‘The Big Wedding’ movie review


The Big Wedding
Stars:  Amanda Seyfried, Robert De Niro, Katherine Heigl, Diane Keaton,
Susan Sarandon

Don and Ellie Griffin (Robert De Niro and Diane Keaton) have been divorced for years, but for some unfathomable reason they pretend to be married when the family gathers for their adopted son’s wedding. Did they seriously not tell their family they were divorced? Who can’t own up to being divorced in 2013? But the ridiculous premise aside, this is a fine showcase for the veteran actors in the group, De Niro, Keaton and the irrepressible Susan Sarandon. This film is not just about a wedding, but about the glorious nature of love, in all of its incarnations.

The director of this rom-com, Justin Zackham, wrote The Bucket List. Actors of a certain age deserve great material, and Zackham, it seems, gets that. Which is fortunate for the actors and movie lovers. –p.d. lee

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