Scarface slams white and Jewish hip-hop executives: ‘You make us look dumb’


Scarface has never been known for holding his tongue. The former Geto Boy and Houston rap godfather had harsh words for hip-hop record executives that he feels have squandered the integrity of the music. ‘Face criticized white and Jewish label heads, in particular, for the current state of hip-hop–which he feels is dumbed-down.

“I feel like we losing it,” Face said in an interview with “HardKnockTV.” “I feel like the people that are in control of what hip-hop does is so f–king white and so f–king Jewish and so they don’t give a f–k about what the culture and the craft really is about.”

“Let me say this sh-t right because I want this to be as offensive as I can f–kin’ make it for these old-ass punks that’s running these record labels who are in the powerful positions to dictate what the black community hears and listens to. I f–king hate that sh*t. That sh*t pisses me off,” Scarface continued.

Face’s beliefs are widely held by many hip-hop fans and critics that have bemoaned the current state of the genre. He added that he believes wholeheartedly that much of the music is motivated by the desire to portray African Americans in a negative light.

“There’s no f–king way that you can tell me it’s not a conspiracy against the blacks in hip-hop. You put out f–king records that make us look stupid. You make us look dumb,” ‘Face said. “You brainwash a generation of Hip-Hoppers with this f–king crud. When these other rappers come out, splitting it down the middle, these other rappers’ sh-t sound like ‘Wow!’ Y’all look great!’ Y’all look stupid!'”

“Then moth-rf–kers start going over here and pretty soon–hip-hop is white now.”

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