Jada Fire says she has a crush on Rihanna and Joe Budden


Hip-hop and the adult film world have a long and lengthy history. West Coast hip-hop stars like Snoop Dogg, N.W.A.’s DJ Yella, Ice-T and Shock G of Digital Underground have all produced their own signature lines of X-rated films, as have fellow rap stars like Lil Jon and 50 Cent‘s G-Unit.

Treach of Naughty By Nature actually starred in an adult flick back in the late 1990s, and in the social media era there have been countless hip-hop stars caught with their pants down, fully exposed on websites for all the world to see.

Porn star Jada Fire was asked about her favorite stars in a recent interview with TrueStoriesRadio, and the newly-retired adult actress wasted no time stating which sexy singer gets her hot and bothered.

Rihanna.  I think she’s probably a freak. She really is, though. She just really likes that s— crazy,” Jada said. “Honestly, I’d want to make love to her face-to-face — she’s too pretty for anything else.”

“My favorite artist is Young Jeezy,” she shared. “Cuz he’s real raw with it and I don’t like soft dudes.” Jada also let it be known that she has a thing for “Love & Hip-Hop” rapper Joe Budden.

“I think Joe has the sexiest voice of all time,” Jada said, adding that she’d come out of retirement to do an adult movie with the rapper for the right price.

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