10.) Circle of Death. First you have a place a cup in the middle of the table and spread cards facing down in a circle around the cup. For each player they have a draw a card and perform an action associated with the card. Red Cards 2-8: players take number of drinks based on face value. Black Card 2-8: Player pass drinks out to players, either one person or can be split up. 9 player has to pick a word and rhyme going around the table for each person playing. 10: player chooses a category and go clockwise and each player must choose a word that goes with the category. Jack: Player gets to choose a rule that is effective for the rest of the game. Example “Must drink with your eyes closed”. Queen: Players play “Never Have I Ever” with 3 fingers. King: player must pour some of their drink into the cup in the middle and player with last King must drink. Ace: Everyone has to drink, the person who chose the Ace can be the first to stop and then person to left can stop and the so on.