High school senior uses chemistry elements to hide Biggie lyrics in yearbook quote

Big Lyric

High school senior, Jessica Lee, must have won the superlative for “most likely to be a hip-hop nerd.” Lee, a graduating student at Garfield High in Seattle, found a unique way to sneak a Biggie Smalls lyric into her yearbook quote.

With the initial look, Lee’s quote appears to just be a list of chemistry elements. However, when using the symbol for each element, the words spell “F–k b—, get money.” The lyrics are from Biggie and Junior M.A.F.I.A.’s 1995 hit, “Get Money.”

It’s indeed juvenile, but Lee’s cleverness is worthy of a chuckle. The element symbols are below.

(F) flourine (U) uranium (C) carbon (K) potassium (Bi) bismuth (Tc) technetium (He) helium (S) sulfur (Ge) germanium (Tm) thulium (O) oxygen (Ne) neon (Y) yttrium.

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