‘It was my son’s screams’: Trayvon Martin’s mother versus George Zimmerman’s mother

Sybrina FultonBoth Trayvon Martin’s mother, Sybrina Fulton, and George Zimmerman’s mother, Gladys Zimmerman, testified under oath that it was their son’s screams that could be heard on the released 911 call. These conflicting testimonies undoubtedly have left the jury of five mothers in a quandary. Who do you believe? As a mother and an aunt of three young nephews and a host of male cousins, all black gentlemen who like wearing hoodies and eating Skittles, it seems the answer should be simple. Reenact the scene by taking Zimmerman, 29, back to the scene of the crime, beat him using the same MMA technique he claimed the teen used, but this time point his Kel-Tec 9 mm semiautomatic filled with hollow-point bullets to his chest and dial 911. Then we can record his voice and do a true comparison. Oh wait! The Zimmerman nightmare defense team, in addition to being unfair to “Georgey,” who was acting in “self-defense,” would debate this on the merits that Zimmerman’s voice has changed tremendously because he’s gained so much weight, more than 100 pounds since the unarmed 17-year-old was murdered in the street.

Personally, I have been in the grocery store and heard someone else’s child call, “Mommy” and answer thinking it was my daughter. What I know for sure is one of these mothers is right and the other is wrong, or lying at best. A child’s scream for help is one that a mother knows. Gladys, I have to ask, why would your son yell for or need help when he pursued and preyed upon a young black unarmed teen through the neighborhood while “bearing arms,” a fully-loaded 9mm filled with hollow-point bullets at his side? Have you ever thought that you could have possibly raised a predator who racially profiles young, black men?

My prayers are for both of these mothers who have to live with this tragedy. One whose angel is resting in heaven. And the other who has created a living hell on earth for his family that wants to believe they didn’t fail and breed a monster. Neither of their lives will ever be the same.

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