Delicia Cordon offers advice to up-and-coming fashion designers

Delicia Cordon is not only a fashion designer but a businesswoman, model, daughter, mother and wife. Recently she opened up about her company, offered advice to future designers and shared her thoughts on expanding her brand. Check out out interview below. –Joi Pearson @joiapearson

When did you start your company?
August 2011

What do you love most about what you do?
I love the creative aspect of it. I love to brainstorm, put ideas on paper, and then watch it come to life. Seeing people wearing things that I created gives me such an amazing high.

How involved are you in the design process?
I’m 100 percent involved. I do get inspired by everyday styles and trends, but [there’s] nothing like thinking outside the box and creating your own trends that you see other designers getting inspired by.

What advice would you give to up-and-coming designers?
People like to stand out when it comes to fashion, so always think outside of the “safe box” and make your work grab everyone’s attention.

You have a growing list of celebrity clientele; how does it feel when you see them wearing your line?
It’s honestly a dream come true. For them to trust in my fashion sense and trust me enough to wear my pieces as bold as they sometimes can be, it’s an amazing feeling.

What differentiates your line from competitors?
My line is a little more exclusive and unique. I’ve created quite a few trends and I think that is important as a designer.

How do you advertise?
Through social media, blogs, celebrity word of mouth and clientele word of mouth.

Where do you see your line expanding to in the next two years?
I’m actually expanding my brand to children’s wear, menswear and a skin care line. I’m expanding my team to get Dé Cordon on a larger retail scale. I’m still learning, so the plan is to create a brand with unlimited product.

Describe the skill sets that are essential to future business leaders and innovators. 
You have to be consistent and passionate about whatever it is you do. If you put 100 percent in to it, then the results will be rewarding.

How can people find you? @MsDeCordon @DeCordoninc @AtaliaLove

Basketball or football?

Rap or R&B?
Rap [Laughs]

Favorite vacation spot?

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