Kristy McCarley, pictured second from the right, is founder, CEO and Chief Creative Officer of Shazzy Fitness LLC. Shazzy Fitness is a contemporary dance fitness DVD series that compliments the busy lifestyle of today’s Christian. They offer fun and convenient 10-minute dance workouts that are divinely inspired, yet unapologetically funkafied. Their program is specifically designed for real people who love the idea of dancing to hip-hop music that is both inspired and inspiring. This new and innovative dance fitness program fuses modern dance with faith-based contemporary music, including Gospel Hip-Hop and Christian Rock. You’ll have a blast as the Shazzy Fitness choreographers – Apollo, Leslie and Vera – lead you through their fun, easy to follow, hip-hop dance routines that challenge the body and ignite the spirit.
It’s the perfect way to kick off your new year, and a sustainable way to nurture your mind body and soul.
Check out the video below and for more information go to
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