President Obama named most admired man of 2013

Obama speaks about the sequester in Washington

Approval ratings be damned, President Obama nevertheless was named the most admired man of 2013.

Obama has won the honor for the 57th time, over a six-year period, since Gallup began asking Americans the question for the past six years, reports Gallup Politics. 

The Gallup organization polled folks ages 18 and older via telephone from December 5 to December 8 across the United States to respond to a question about the person they admired the most. From that sampling, 16 percent of Americans named Obama as the individual they most look up to. He was followed by former President George W. Bush and Pope Francis, who both shared the number two spot as far as admired males receiving four percent.

The former secretary of state Hillary Clinton took poll honors as the most-admired female on the globe with a 15 percent rating. She was followed by talk show maven Oprah Winfrey, with six percent.  Coming in behind Winfrey and sharing their highly coveted spotlight is First Lady Michelle Obama and former Alaska governor Sarah Palin with each receiving 5 percent of the poll votes.

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