New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R-N.J.) is in trouble again. The floodgates have been blasted wide open.
Just days after firing two top advisors in his administration for orchestrating the George Washington Bridge scandal, Christie is now the subject of another investigation.
In the new federal probe, auditors will examine New Jersey’s use of $25 million in Hurricane Sandy relief funds — which were meant to help families and businesses recover — for a marketing campaign to promote tourism at the Jersey Shore after Sandy decimated the state’s coastline in late 2012, New Jersey Democratic Rep. Frank Pallone told CNN.
Christie is still mopping up the massive mess his senior appointees created with “Bridgegate,” so the news couldn’t come at a worse time for the scandal-plagued Republican. The portly politician is still facing two probes into whether his staff tied up traffic near the country’s busiest bridge to punish the Democratic mayor of Fort Lee, N.J. who refused to endorse his successful re-election bid.
If the Sandy inquiry discovers impropriety on Christie’s part, it could prove even more damaging to Christie’s national ambitions. His performance during and after the superstorm has been widely praised and he is widely seen as the front-runner to the Republican presidential nomination in 2016.