Eminem has a battle rap reality show in the works


Eminem is continuing in dedication to bringing lyric driven hip-hop back to the forefront.

First there were his signings of supergroup Slaughterhouse and Alabama emcee Yelawolf, now Slim Shady has unveiled plans of  put together a battle rap reality show in the near future.

Apparently he’s even already lined up a host for the upcoming program.

Over the weekend, comedian and frequent Shade 45 contributor, Jack Thriller broke the news via a Instagram post:

Shoutout to my big brother SLIM SHADY for hitting me up last night and making me the new host of his battle rap reality show JACKTHRILLER.COM WORDS CANT EXPLAIN THE JOY IN MY HEART @uwbattleleague @unclevinrock #doglife #thrillergang #superstarsh*t” read Thriller’s post.

See Jack Thriller’s IG post and announcement below:

jack thriller

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