Derrius Montgomery: Advocating for children

Derrius MontgomeryWhat is your profession?
I currently serve as the Baton Rouge Organizer for STAND for Children Louisiana. As a community organizer, my main focus is to educate parents, teachers and community members on how to become better advocates for the children within their communities. My overall goal is to ensure that all children, regardless of their background, graduate from high school prepared for, and with access to college education.

What does a normal workday look like for you?
In my profession, everyday is a new opportunity to impact someone’s life. Most days, I’m spending the majority of my time meeting face to face with parents empowering them to serve as education advocates. I also work diligently to ensure that effective teachers and principals are in every classroom for every student. On other days, I’m working aggressively to ensure the maximum amount for funds allocated by the district reaches those classrooms. During legislation season, I’m empowering and coaching community members on how to lobby their local legislators on important issues facing education, while also supporting those candidates with strong educational platforms and electing them into office at the state and local levels.

How does your line of work benefit the community?
In Louisiana, 77 percent of our fourth graders and 79 percent of our eighth graders are unable to read at grade level. Helping to give people a voice is a huge benefit to a community of people that would love nothing better than to give their children access to an exceptional education. However, without the proper resources, parents are at a disadvantage when it comes to holding officials and school leaders accountable for these deficiencies.

What skill set does one need to be successful in your line of work?
First and foremost, you need to be able to understand people; that’s a big one! Social science skills are a mandatory.

What was the most difficult obstacle that you had to face?
The most difficult obstacle I had to face was making the decision to fight for my wife of six years. During our time of separation, I was able to discover that love has no loopholes. Many people say they love one another, but aren’t willing to fight for it. I wasn’t afraid to fight for the love of my life. If I didn’t know anything else, I knew that God was for marriages. So, it was simple for me; all I had to do was line my life up with His word and I was certain He would handle the rest. And He did.

What is your most proud accomplishment?
The most proud accomplishment was watching my wife give birth to both of my toddler boys Braxton, 4, and Zachary, 2.

What inspires you?
The fact that I am the father of two handsome boys inspires me to achieve greatness. I not only want to leave wealth behind, but also a legacy.

If you could have chosen a different profession, what would it have been?
I wouldn’t change it for anything.

Where do you see yourself in three years?
In three years, I want to be able to impact social change on a larger scale.

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