Rep. Alvin Holmes calls Clarence Thomas a ‘prolific Uncle Tom’

clarence thomas wifeOn the House floor earlier this month, State Rep. Alvin Holmes, a Democrat from Montgomery, Ala., called Justice Clarence Thomas a ”prolific Uncle Tom.” Holmes argued that Thomas benefited from affirmative action to get into Yale Law School, but on the high court has “voted against every affirmative action program to help poor people get an education,” according to Fox News Insider.

The remark came on the heels of an NAACP leader calling Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C., a “ventriloquist dummy” for the GOP.

Rep. Holmes stood by his use of the “Uncle Tom” label when confronted by radio host David Webb last week, saying Thomas allows himself to be “used to carry the message of a white man, which is against the interests of black people in America.” In the video below, Webb also pushed Rep. Holmes on comments he was reported to have made about interracial marriages, apparently in reference to Clarence and Ginni Thomas.

Then, Rep. Holmes echoed the criticism on Sen. Scott, saying he “takes every position the white folk tell him to take.” Webb told Fox News’ Sean Hannity that Rep. Holmes did not seem to know much about Sen. Scott’s positions or policies. “This is hypocrisy; disingenuousness. It’s kind of the old demagogue routine that we can’t accept as Americans,” said Webb.

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