What inspires you to show up at work every day?
Knowing how great I can become. The history I can and will make. The lives I will touch along the way. I remember about two years ago being faced with a challenge of possibly not being able to play my violin again. I had problems with my performance hand, where my tendons needed to be reattached. The doctor conveyed to my father and I that he dreamt about me the night before surgery of the importance of my craft and the use of my hand. I know even better now that this is my path and I am inspired to inspire others.
How did you determine your career path?
It really chose me. Since I was 12 years old I attended The School of Arts in Charleston. I was inspired by an instructor who did not look like the typical violin instructor. I watched him pick up his instrument and play. It blew me away. I’ve never been the same since. I tell people now wherever I go, you do not have to look a certain way or have a certain demeanor about yourself to do something different. It could be anything, not just music. Learn to think outside the box.
What other industries connect to your career choice?
Although I have a team of individuals that help build and guide my career, I am still my own boss and self-employed. All those who are entrepreneurs and self-employed, I feel connected to. I feel as if we are some of the biggest risk takers in life. We tend to think outside the box. There are no guarantees of success, but we follow our visions as if we can never fail. I’ve worked with Radio personalities, Concert and festival personnel. I have met local and national artists. I have worked with promotional and marketing companies and so many more. Being self-employed, you can connect to just about anyone.
What skill sets do you think are essential to future business leaders and innovators?
It is essential for the future business leaders and innovators to be self-motivators and self-inspired individuals. Also, to be a good listener; one who is always eager to learn.
Define innovation methods you apply to your business and life.
I always try to read information that will educate me about being successful. I portray a lifestyle that allows people to see that I am heading in a good direction, which inspires. My daily work ethic, reading, practicing my craft, and exercising is a part of who I am. I make a point to take time out for personal enjoyments of dining and being with Friends. This is a must to maintain balance in my life.
How do you set goals and evaluate your success?
I keep a vision folder of a typed list and pictures of the things/goals I desire to achieve on my computer. I constantly glance through it , almost daily, to remind myself of the finish line. If I don’t accomplish something by a particular date, I re-evaluate what I can do better and keep pushing until the goal is achieved.
Who do you consider your peers in your field?
I consider my peers to be Boney James, Karen Briggs, Kenny G. and Noel Pointer. Pointer especially because his career was short lived due to an early death; but, he accomplished so much in so little time.
How do you use technology to gain more knowledge on a subject?
I use Google, Google, Google! I read a lot of self-help material, but for the most part the Internet is the most current and up-to-date tool I use.
Name your favorite role models for success in two industries?
Two of my favorite role models of success are Miri Ben-Ari and Andrew Carnegie. I chose Miri because of her courage to break the barriers of music through her violin in the hip hop genre, a mostly male/rapper driven genre. She proved that you don’t have to fit a particular mold to be successful at something. I love Andrew Carnegie’s philosophy on life, “attain as much wealth and knowledge as possible and give it all back before death.” I hope to do the same.
Names three books that changed how you saw life and you recommend to others.
The Gift of Adversity by Norman E. Rosenghal, M.D.: How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie, and the Bible
Explain why lifelong learning is important to you.
Life-long learning is extremely important to me. I never want to be stuck in a rut or routine. The day I stop learning will be the day I die. You miss out on some of life’s truest joys when you stop expanding your mind.
Describe the voice of success that you hear in your head.
The voice of success that I hear is of a more put together and accomplished version of myself; A version of myself that pushes me to reach my physical, spiritual, financial, and mental goals.
Community success based on what you do in the community means what to you?
Success in your own community is foundational. These are the people who knew you when and before. What I do in the community means a lot. I must never forget those who celebrated with me when I started playing the violin. Those who came out to my recitals and performances when I was just starting out; yes, that meant a lot.
Technology plays what role in your daily life?
Technology helps generate more clients, keeps me connected to family, friends, and clients. It keeps me aware of the latest trends in the industry I’m in and it offers a vast array of tools to learn more about nearly anything.
What software and tool of technology, apps included, have made the biggest difference in your life?
Apple products have made the biggest difference. iPhone are almost like Minnie computers. My iPad is my calendar/organizer. My computer functions like a brain. I also have apps for my finances, physical, and spiritual health.
What role does music play in defining your self-identity?
Music is who I am. It’s tough to go a day without it. It defines me, as a person.
Define your personal culture.
My personal culture is to be used by God and for others to see Him through my gift and character that He gave me.
What are your favorite vacation spot?
Isle of Palms – where I presently live; the beach is my backyard.
If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?
I would create more opportunities to allow people to be more cultured about other races, classes, and beliefs.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
To be less concerned about others’ opinion.