Keyshia Cole says she never thought Daniel Gibson would cheat on her

Keyshia Cole & Daniel Gibson - 2nd Cover

Keyshia Cole has always been the kind of artist who wears her heart on her sleeve, leaving little to the imagination about the state of things in her life. But over the past year, she’s struggled to contain the details of her obvious marital problems with her husband, Daniel Gibson, who allegedly cheated on her with strippers. And though Cole still wants to keep her private life private, she let herself become transparent enough during a recent interview with Power 105’s “The Breakfast Club” and shared some telling tidbits about her marriage.

Although the interview started off innocently enough about her music, specifically her new slap-happy, Juicy-J assisted single, “Rick James,” Cole was asked about the last time she felt like slapping someone, to which she hinted that Gibson was the target of her wrath.

“Maybe a few months ago … I fled the scene. … It was a male,” Cole answered.

The radio hosts then got more specific and began asking her about her online beefs with Houston strippers claiming to have slept with Gibson.

“I don’t want nothing to do with that, at all. Yeah, I’m good,” said Cole.

The obviously wounded singer continued to remain tight-lipped about the matter of her husband, but when asked if she’s still with Gibson, Cole gave a very telling hint that things are over with him, at least for now.

“We co-parent. He’s a great father, though,” Cole said.

However, when asked if she’s divorced already or plans on getting a divorce, Cole explained that she’s lost about what to do with her marriage.

“I just, you know what I mean, I just wanna put my music out. And just sit in my own craziness. You know what I’m saying? And just chill out for a minute. Like, I don’t really know what I wanna do right now. I don’t want to talk about it. … I don’t really want go into it,” Cole said.

Host Angela Yee later reminded Cole that the last time she appeared on the show that she said Gibson cheated on her before they got married. Yee then asked Cole if she thought Gibson would cheat on her, like most athletes, or if he would remain faithful to her throughout their marriage.

“I really did. I believed in that. And on top of that, we just had so much of a great relationship. I felt like, I felt like it wouldn’t be possible,” Cole said.

Well, it seems like the rumors were accurate enough about infidelity being the major factor in Cole’s split from Gibson, but this isn’t the first time infidelity has broken a couple up. Check out some other infidelity scandals after the cut. –nicholas robinson

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