Royalyn Reid, customer service expert, shares her path to success

RR1Royalyn Reid is one of a few African American customer service experts on a national level. She is the CEO of the Dallas, Texas-based company CMI (Consumer & Market Insights), which specializes in consumer & diversity research.

Her company manages offices in both Dallas and Washington, D.C. She secures many federal projects and has become an expert in working with government on all fronts; locally, statewide and nationally. Royalyn started the company with her husband 15 years ago. She started out hiring stay-at-home moms just like her. Today, she has two teens and is running a multimillion dollar company.

Rolling out sat down with Royalyn for a Q&A. Read below as she shares some of the keys to her success.

What inspires you to show up at work every day?
I have a passion to make a difference in everything I do. My company is a business that prides itself in delivering excellent customer service to all our clients. We have the opportunity to bring [them] creative and innovative solutions. Our ultimate goal is to [have] impact on their bottom line in the short and long term.

How did you determine your career path?
My career path evolved around doing what I do well and what I enjoy doing. I’ve always been a strategic person and a people person. I got my bachelor’s degree in psychology and my master’s in human development. I was a scientist at Mary Kay Cosmetics in Consumer Testing and Consultant & Medical Relations for 10 years. After that, I became a business owner. Everything I have ever done in my career has aligned with my skills and my passions — strategy and people.RR2

Names 3 books that changed your perspective on life and you recommend to others?
1. The Path: Creating Your Mission Statement for Work and Life by Laurie Beth Jones
2. Jesus CEO: Using Ancient Wisdom for Visionary Leadership by Laurie Beth Jones
3.The Richest Man Who Ever Lived by Steven K. Scott.

Describe a life lesson that has had a huge impact on your career decisions?
I learned the basic principles of being a successful entrepreneur from my grandparents in business. Back then, life and opportunities were very different for African American business owners. My grandmother, who owned a funeral home in a small town, demonstrated genuine care, concern, and service to her customers and the community. My grandfather, who owned a gas station, showed perseverance, creativity, mentorship, and quality control (before the term became vogue). Both were well respected in the business community and the general community.

RR3What does community enrichment mean to you and how do you make a difference?
Community enrichment means giving back to the community, and it will always be a part of our business model. We are highly involved and active in the community, with a concentration on women and minority entrepreneurship. For our last initiative, we adopted a local middle school in the Dallas Independent School District and created meaningful programs and activities for the students. There have been so many people who have helped me along the way. How can I not give back to others?

What role does technology play in your daily life?
Technology is extremely important for communication with clients, timely service delivery, and quality assurance. Technology is in the top three “must haves” for a successful business, along with our team. We use the power of social media to communicate with other businesses, clients, and those who are interested in what we do.

How and when did you develop an interest in customer service?
Customer service has always been a part of my life. It starts with how you view others and the value you place on others. I come from a lineage of business owners and educators. Customer service is a part of who we are!

Describe Favorite vacation spot?
Hawaii; it is a beautiful, serene place. The people of Hawaii are wonderful! Our company worked on four of the islands for several years and established some great relationships, learned about the history, and experienced the culture first-hand!

Name one thing from a career perspective that you would do for free.
Helping and mentoring others. I do a lot of this now in my family, with friends, and through my volunteer work.

What advice would you give to young girls interested in a career in customer service or becoming an entrepreneur?
I would suggest that all young women seeking to become an entrepreneur identify an area that you have a passion for and that you enjoy so much you would do it for free [and] use your talents and skill sets to build on that passion. Work to make a positive difference in all that you do.

If you could talk to your 18-year-old self, what would you say to her?
Make wise choices and enjoy the journey!

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