‘Celibate Fabulous & Fearless’ by Monica R. Carter

Monica R Carter

Why did you write this book?

I have always journalled all my life and my initial book launching later this  year was going to be called “Mr Right” and chapter 12 was originally named “Finally Mr Right,” but my wedding did not move forward and I didn’t have the desire to launch the book. But I was at church one day in February and Pastor KC said someone needs to answer the call. I didn’t have the cover title or pic of the cover and God gave it to me in a matter of a few nights.  This is all ordained by God not me, because I didn’t even have the desire to launch a book.

Please define your personal brand.

Empowering, inspiring, motivating men and women through God’s word and my life journey!

Celibacy is part of my brand. It is a godly lifestyle that empowers anyone to overcome any area of defeat or fear in their life, while exhibiting self-control and not allowing sex to control them by committing fornication or adultery. Your body is God’s temple. Sex is ordained for marriage.

This book is so needed for today’s broken, searching, lonely, hurting, experiencing a void in their life, disappointed man or woman that has experienced negative relationships can come to God and/or committed adultery to be enlightened on the dangers of both fornication and adultery.

Celibate Fabulous and Fearless is a testimony of how his open arms provided protection, comfort, stability, love, hope, clear mind, and being to my life, while experiencing tragedy that almost resulted in death, being in an abusive marriage and almost being left at the altar! God is always working in your life! Also, to live a celibate lifestyle and/or be faithful to your spouse requires self-control and if you can have self-control before you get married you can certainly have it in a marriage.

Celibate Fabulous & Fearless outlines a path to anyone accepting God’s love and living in his grace.  Based on recent reviews and testimonies consumers have said my book is a self-help book and they take it wherever they go — to grocery stores church, work, etc.

What do you hope readers will glean from reading your book?

Putting my life journey and walk with Christ on display has shown many obstacles, including me being shot and almost losing my life, being in an abusive marriage and just last year almost left at the altar.  So, God never said we would not go through trials and tribulations, but when you focus on Jesus and put all your cares in his hand, he promises to bring you through.  As T.D. Jakes says; your blessing is in your breaking and you can’t grow unless you go thru trials and tribulations. I want men and women to become closer to God, be inspired and empowered to live for him. I have added Scripture to many of my life experiences as it relates to family, fornication, the church, friends, relationships, etc.  I have already received so many testimonies from people who have been suicidal, depressed, discouraged and after hearing me speak and reading my book they say their lives have been changed and no longer are in those distressed places.  This is the entire goal for God to get all the glory, to bring men and women closer to GOD, inspire, encourage and motivate all ages. So many people are hurting and it comes out in their behavior (attitude, relationships, etc).  If you can abstain from sex before marriage, you can definitely be faithful to your spouse after marriage.  Celibacy resembles self-control!  Do you allow sex to control you/mind or do you control it.

What was your regimen to complete this book?

Many late nights and not more than five hours of sleep for about six months.  My goal was really to listen to God and what his vision was for this book, so He was my guide unto completion.

What separates you from others in your field? What is unique to the experience that you create?

Just the mere fact my title has the word ‘Celibate’ in it separates me from many authors.  My book is not a buttoned up story I have put my life story out to the world for all to read.  I have been told by looking at my reviews and testimonials that I am courageous to not use a ‘pen’ name and for that they admire my courage to share with the world to help and heal many men and women. His love is truly unconditional!

For those considering entering this arena, what skill sets do you recommend mastering? What traits are most conducive to success?

My book is fiction and it’s very important to be honest when writing your memoir.  In our society were so accustomed to acting like our lives, whether it’s our marriage, relationships, friendships, job etc. are so perfect, which in fact many people are miserable.  So, when you’re not honest you miss out on the opportunity to help someone else who maybe going through the same thing you’re going through.  I wanted to be as transparent as possible after Jesus talked me into itJ  During the 30 days of revising my manuscript, I would take things out of my book and Jesus would wake me up at 3:32am each morning and tell me to put it back in my book and I’m glad I did.  Traits you need is perseverance, dedication, detailed oriented and speak from your heart.  Whatever you believe you can achieve and when you do what you’re passionate about, you will be successful.


How do you stay at the leading edge of your craft?

Listening to people and not always being the majority as an author, but the minority and thinking outside the box.  My title “Celibate Fabulous & Fearless” is not in the majority and therefore it will get everyone’s attention, because it’s not something people outwardly discuss, even if their thinking about it and even if they are a Christian.  This commandment from God somehow gets overlooked.

How do you map out your goals? How do you measure your success?

I use to have a plan for 6, 12, and 24 and so on for my life.  But now I have learned to still have a plan, but to lift it up to Jesus, because only a few of my plans have worked out that I created.  My book I measure the success from the testimonies and how many people tell me they are now on fire for God, healed, no longer suicidal or depressed, etc.  When I launched by book on June 21, 2014 I had a red carpet book signing event and a woman sent me an email and said when she came to my event she was suicidal, but now she knows if God did it for me, He can do it for her and she no longer is depressed or suicidal.  This is just one of many testimonials I have received from men and women after my book launch.  This is how I measure my success and I’m happy God is getting all the glory through all the pain I been through.

Name two of your top role models: one from your industry and one from outside of it.

Oprah Winfrey is my ultimate role model. I met Oprah in 2012 and she was so inspiring and just her words to me that I can accomplish anything I want and always surround yourself around people who can take you higher; those words never left me.  Since then Jesus has separated me from people who should not have been in my life and has replaced them with people who want to see me be successful and have my back.

Steve Harvey would be another role model.  I have watched Steve over the years and I saw how when he decided to dedicate his life to Jesus, he was elevated.  Steve cares about people and has a giving spirit.  He is so inspirational and I listen to his radio show and watch his TV show each day.  Steve has truly inspired me to reach for the stars and I know if God did it for Oprah and Steve he can do it for me.

Name three books, works, performances or exhibits that changed how you view life and/or yourself.

Instinct by Bishop T.D. Jakes; Oprah Winfrey’s “Life Class”; Joel Osteen’s It’s Your Time book; and Tyler Perry’s movie, Why Did I Get Married?

What affirmations do you repeat to yourself that contribute to your success?

I continue to have perseverance no matter what obstacles come my way
No weapon formed against me shall prosper….Isaiah 54:17 NIV
Thou art highly favored, and blessed….Luke 1:28 NIV
As thy days, so shall thy strength be…Deuteronomy 33:35 NIV
My merchandise is good and priceless…Proverbs 31:18-20 NIV
My latter house shall be greater than my former, saith the Lord….Haggai 2:9 NIV

What role does technology play in your day-to-day life? How do you utilize it?

Technology, whether it’s my iPhone, iPad, this is how I communicate with the world. Especially with marketing my book and connecting with people on my Twitter page; MsCarterCelFab, IG; AuthorMsCarterCelFab,FB MsCarterCelFab. Just on  my Twitter page I have 45,000 followers, now personally I don’t know 45,000 people, but through my daily posts and now launch of my book, I have been able to keep thousands of peoples interest through the word of God. This has become the way to do business and connect globally and it has been very successful for me.  I even have a great aunt that’s almost 90 years old on email, Facebook and if you do not respond to her daily quotes you are in big trouble.

What is your favorite vacation destination and why?

I would love to visit Italy, Dubai and the Caribbean one day. I have not really had time to travel abroad, but it’s coming.

If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?

More people living for God and stop taking his name out of the schools and wherever they can. People have to know [there’s] more than this life, there is life after death, so knowing that I would rather live [like] I know it, than to die and find out it’s real.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

I’m fine with everything about me, but if I must choose one thing I would say I wish I was taller. Hence, the reason I wear 5- to 6-inch heels at times.

What are three attributes you would use to describe yourself and why?


  • Leader (big picture) never living for today, but what decisions I make will impact my future.
  • Compassionatelove for people to empower, inspire and encourage
  • Perseverance – GOD will not allow me to wallow in my disappointments, hurts, etc.  You have to learn to bounce back.  Therefore, even I was hurting I got back up, got shot got back up, never wallowing in my
  • Giver (weather it motivating, inspiring, giving to others even when I may need or be hurting myself.
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