When you are in distress and see a police officer you hope that he would respond to your situation. At least that’s what Dallas mom Miesha Kilson thought when she saw Officer Les Richardson as her estranged ex-boyfriend chased her down with his car while waving a gun. Kilson was fleeing Stephen Douglas, the father of her children, who was in a maniacal rage. Douglas had a gun and shot at Kilson. He was also ramming her car.
During the chase Kilson’s car hit a curb and the tire went flat, she could hear Douglas firing his gun from behind. Kilson’s children yelled “Mama, he’s shooting, he’s shooting” as Kilson continued to drive on the flat tire. Kilson believes that Douglas was trying to kill her and her children because he pointed the gun directly at her from the passenger side window. She took evasive action and pulled into oncoming traffic when her car finally stopped running. Try as she might, the car would not start again and that’s when Douglas approached the vehicle. According to Kilson, Douglas reached into the car and pulled the window out with his bare hands glass exploding everywhere. Then she turned to her right and she saw a police car at her window. The officer, Richardson, asked “What’s going on?” and Kilson yelled “Get him, get him!”
It was at that point that Officer Richardson drove away without responding to Kilson’s frantic plea. Later Richardson stated that he was in route to a burglary in progress and that is why he did not stop. A witness to the entire event tried to find another police officer for help. He spotted an unidentified motorcycle cop who was engaged in a traffic stop. This police officer, according to the witness, stated that he was busy writing a traffic ticket. The officer also stated that he had heard the gunshots and would be there momentarily. In the meantime Douglas snatched the children out of the vehicle and fled the scene. After leaving the police on a high-speed car chase he fled his vehicle when it crashed and ran into a nearby auto repair shop. When he was in the shop, officers closed in on him. Douglas then pointed the gun at one of the cops and he was shot.
Fortunately, the children did not witness their father being killed by police. Officer Richardson has been placed on administrative leave following this incident and an investigation of his actions and also the motorcycle cop’s actions is currently ongoing. His lack of action was confirmed by the Dallas Police Department by conducting a computer review of his locations as well as footage from his dashboard camera. Richardson is a 28 -year veteran of the Dallas Police Department.