Omarion demands DNA test on son?


Details have emerged surrounding “Love & Hip Hop Hollywood” couple Omarion and Apryl Jones‘ alleged split. Earlier this week, reports surfaced that Omarion and Apryl had called it quits after O’s mother, Leslie, questioned the paternity of the baby.

Sources claim that Jones cheated with her ex, who is of Mexican descent, and when approached for a DNA test, she refused, putting the final nail in the coffin.


Luckily for fans of “LHHH,” all the gossip appears to be hearsay. Yesterday, the former B2K singer posted the above photo on Instagram, diffusing all rumors of a breakup or affair …

“I told Megaa…>Son, they think someone else is your dad. He said {LOL} Maury said YOU ARE THE FATHER. #hegaveYOUtheFinger #Ididntshowhimthat #stopwiththefakepress #Ilovehismomma #Megaa #yallLovetostarts— #Myfamilyisunbreakable #weswaggntoo #middlefingertoALLthatsupportlies #lovetothosewhodont #imdone,” read the caption.

In other words … O, you are the father! – ruthie hawkins/@ruubabie

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