Should Black Americans blackout Black Friday?

The Lions Tale issues the call to: “Black-out Black Friday.”


America has a Black President and tons of rich Black entertainers, sports figures, and businessmen and women. It has a large black middle class. Black America makes more money than any country in Africa, even more than Nigeria with its oil and South Africa with its diamonds and gold.

Yet, the systematic oppression of Black people in America is deeply embedded in the fabric of U.S. society. Twenty-five percent of the Black population lives below the poverty line.

This undated photo provided by the South Carolina Department of Archives and History shows George Stinney Jr. the youngest person ever executed in South Carolina in 1944. The teenager was executed just 84 days after the two white girls were killed in the tiny mill town of Alcolu, S.C., according to newspaper accounts.  (AP Photo/South Carolina Department of Archives and History)
This undated photo provided by the South Carolina Department of Archives and History shows George Stinney Jr., the youngest person ever executed in South Carolina in 1944. The teenager was executed just 84 days after the two white girls were killed in the tiny mill town of Alcolu, S.C., according to newspaper accounts. (AP Photo/South Carolina Department of Archives and History)

• No justice received for George Junius Stinney Jr.,  a Black 14-year-old boy falsely accused and executed in South Carolina in 1929. He was the youngest person executed in the United States in the 20th century.
• No justice received for Assata Shakur (falsely accused, imprisoned, now hunted by the USA)
• No justice received for Trayvon Martin (murdered by a racist wanna-be cop)
• No justice received for Mumia Abu Jamal (false imprisonment by the USA)
• No justice received for Amadou Diallo (brutally tortured by police)
• No justice received for Troy Davis (murdered by the USA)
• No justice received for Oscar Grant (murdered by police)
• No justice received for Sean Bell (murdered by police)
· No justice received for Mike Brown (murdered by police)
· No justice received for (your name here)
· No justice received … again and again

The fact is:

• Black people are twice more likely to be out of work than whites.
• Black people have 4 cents for every dollar a white person has.
• Black people are six times more likely to be in prison than a white.
• Black people are murdered by police or extrajudicial persons every 36 hours.
• Black people are one million deep in a prison population of 2 million.
• Black people were left to save themselves or drown in 2006 when Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans.
• Black people are spending more than a $trillion dollars in the American economy.

“Negroes who have been so long inconvenienced and denied opportunities for development are naturally afraid of anything that sounds like discrimination.” –Carter G. Woodson

“Slavery has never been abolished from America’s way of thinking.” –Nina Simone

• We are asking that you spend no money on the day known as Black Friday.
• We will no longer march in the streets then spend our money in a system that does not value or respect us.
• We will circulate our money back into our communities and empower ourselves.
• We will value and respect ourselves.
• We must flex our economic leverage and let the system of governance know that we are truly sick and tired of being sick and tired.

Please spread the word.

–The Lions Tale (courtesy of Rudwaan)

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