Hi I’m Jaz Jackson. I’m a beauty blogger and this is ‘My Block.’
How did your block contribute to your development as a person and as a professional?
When people ask me what I do for a living, I say that I’m a beauty blogger and that’s a wide spectrum of things. It is my goal to make sure that the average girl has a place that she can go to for beauty and not something that is going to cost her an arm and a leg to do.
A lot of my subscribers, they’re getting ready for prom or other really important moments in their life and they don’t have a whole lot of money to do so. My goal is to make sure I can give you the best look at an affordable price.
I don’t like to say that I stumbled into it, but I kind of did because I was in cosmetology school and a lot of my classmates would ask me how did I do my makeup and honestly I got tired of telling them how I did my makeup and so I started a YouTube channel so that they can have a place that they can go to.
Describe the moment where you came into your own as a professional?
I feel like I come into my own when I’m working with my makeup clients. Honestly there’s a point where they are a little nervous and apprehensive about what you’re going to do to their face, but once you make them comfortable and you kind of pick at them and get to know them a little bit more, they let go of that outer shell and they’re just chill and then they feel comfortable and open to your suggestions as a makeup artist. So whenever that happens, that shift happens for me, that’s when I know I’ve come into my own for the client.
Where is your block located? How did your block contribute to your development as a person and as a professional?
I grew up on the west side of Chicago and as I was saying I grew up from humble beginnings, but from my block if it was like a really clear day in the sky you could see the Chicago skyline and as a little girl my grandparents never went downtown. It was always the west side of Chicago. We didn’t know too much about the south side but even seeing the skyline and just growing up from there it and being able to see that there is so much more to life than just where you’re at you know. So for me I never forgot that. It kind of like stuck with me throughout life. It’s not just what you see right here. There’s a whole bunch of stuff happening out there. You can take control of your life and make it happen.
Describe your first memory of McDonald’s. If possible, describe a McDonald’s moment in your life that is significant to you?
I’m sure I ate McDonald’s with my mom, but my first memory was I graduated from kindergarten and all I wanted was for my mom to take me to McDonald’s and get me a happy meal as like a congratulations and she did not do it and I was so devastated. I think I cried all the way home because all I wanted was a happy meal with a Barbie doll toy. That would have been good you know.
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