Why Dr. King was killed, part 2

Photo of Martin Luther King Jr

As Dr. King matured in age and in his political critique, he began to see the future of the United States through glasses that didn’t lend as well to the vision he expressed in his “I Have a Dream” speech. As the struggle for Black personhood continued, he developed a critique of America that revolved around what he called the three evil triplets — racism, militarism and materialism. It is this construct that seemed to drive his opposition to the Vietnam War and his ardent advocation for the Poor People’s Campaign, which he planned as a sit-in on Washington that would not end until all people secured full employment, or a guaranteed full income for all. It seemed that he viewed materialism as the baseline point of view that drove the other two, and he began to champion the idea of a type of new, democratic socialism before his assassination. Listen in to gain an even greater insight.

Why Dr. King was killed, part 1

Why Dr. King was killed, part 3

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