Do men prefer easy women over helpmates?

draya3I hear it from my female friends all of the time: “Why y’all men prefer h–s over helpmates?” “Why are men scared of strong, Black women?” “Why do men date women so much younger than them, when you have so many single Black women close to their own age out here?”

I can’t answer for all men, but I will walk the gauntlet in an effort to share just a little insight on the issue. Here we go.

H–s and young women have a couple of things in common. Some lack wisdom. Some lack experience. Some are only there for the sex. And some just don’t know any better. All of that means that a man has to invest very little of himself and his time to get what he wants out of the situation. What’s he want? If the woman is a h– or young, you already know what the answer is to that … sex. Simple and plain.

Now, there are those occasions where a cat truly finds value in a woman regardless of age and sexual promiscuity, but those are few and far between. For the most part, it’s easy access, and that’s just the way it goes down. Here are the reasons behind it.

Most h–s and some young women simply don’t require more than some good sex, a little money, and a few trinkets and material things. Some are simply satisfied with being in the presence of a man that they respect and admire, and they consider sex the price of admission to his world. At least that’s how some men see it. Low expectations with a similarly low investment makes a h– an easy choice for the man that wants limited intrusion into his life and lifestyle. The woman a man would consider a helpmate, which in this instance means wife, requires more time and effort than some men are willing to give.

Strong women have strong convictions, and to get on the same page with her requires conversation, compromise, and actions, followed by more conversations, compromise and more action. A lot of us ain’t trying to do all that. Why? Now that’s a deeper question. We’ll deal with that in our next installment.

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