Dr. Chandra Gill of Blackademically Speaking Enterprises is focused on educating the youth

526967a959485.preview-620What is your name, title and the name of your organization?

Dr. Chandra Gill, CEO – Blackademically Speaking Enterprises

What is the mission of your organization?

BSE is a company dedicated to developing motivational content, products and services with cutting-edge programs and philosophies specific to education. In short, we seek to motivate and educate youth via motivational and educational content, products and services.

What segment of the community does your organization seek to serve?

African American youth. Yet we’re blessed to “reach across the aisle” educating children of all ethnic/racial backgrounds. Further, we’re inspiring individuals of all ages.

What is your role and responsibility within the organization?

Serving as the chief executive officer for the company’s function and providing the services as its sole speaker and teacher.

What are three areas and/or activities that you and your organization are currently focused on?

New Book: Black Genes – Black Genius: A Motivational Handbook to Empower Black Youth

Media: Empowering people through Dr. Gill’s empowering content and thought-provoking messaging

Tour: Speaking engagements throughout the country and beyond

Do you have a personal philosophy that guides you in the work that you do?

I simply believe in what God has called me to do. I don’t want to fail him in not getting it done well. Prayer is essential to my life/my being. It’s actually the best conversation I have throughout my days. I also operate with my 3E’s/faithfully : excellence, eloquence and effectiveness.

As it relates to that work, what is the legacy that you would like to leave?

A cultural upgrade to how we see education and success in America and the world as we know it. For me, education at its root is a spiritual matter. I’d love for our children to learn more about what they’re created to do and not just what people tell them to do. I’d like to be known as one of the best educators to ever do it … teaching purpose while educating as many as God will bring my way.

To date, what are two or three things that you’ve accomplished with the organization that you are most proud of?

– Our Champions Break Chains Tour (my first book)

– The awards I’ve been blessed to receive (as an award-winning speaker/teacher/CEO)

– My latest work – newest book, Black Genes: Black Genius. (I’m excited about this work because as a society we’re constantly talking about Black children, this is a workbook set on motivating them.)

– ***Bonus: The impact we’ve had across the country, motivating students from schools to churches to jails to universities. It’s been delightful to witness and a blessing to do.

What past work, education or community experiences helped to prepare you for the work that you are doing right now?

Oddly, personal trials and tribulations have best shaped my understanding of my own purpose and calling. Nothing has been a greater teacher than the wisdom garnered in that sphere. More specifically though, my academic training at the University of Illinois with world-class advisers, such as Dr. James Anderson, Dr. William Trent and Dr. Laurence Parker, proved priceless. My community-work while a campus leader in college helped to really shape more of my focus specific to our children and specific to the type of Academician I really wanted to be.

How do you feel about the current state of your community? Country? World?

I feel that America (generally speaking) is stuck ideologically on antiquated perspectives … politically on personal agendas, educationally — comfortably stuck in ignorant banter and being — which all advances an agenda of neutralized nothingness. And all of this is often at the mercy of our children’s future and intelligence. I believe, my generation is most significant in shifting the pendulum of such, as we’re the heaviest and most prized beneficiaries of those who sacrificed so much before us. I also know that in the midst of it all, God is doing a new thing and a new day is on the horizon. #WatchGod!

What would you like to see more of in order to create a better society?

– Spirit-led creativity and character… specific to education.

– A stronger village of adults and most applicable here, policy-makers, administrators, politicians, artists and teachers who care about the education and funding for all children.

– Also, as I say in my book, there should be encouraged innovation, ingenuity and inspiration.

How can people support or get involved in your work?

In learning more about what we’re trying to create with Blackademically Speaking Enterprises, the goal is for “Blackademically Speaking” to be a household name whereby we enhance the cultural dynamic of what it means to be Black and intelligent. Our children and people need to ‘Speak Blackademically’ with confident conviction. Giving our children a tool like “Blackademically Speaking” encourages them to not only know about our company’s products but also it’s a platform that dispels any thought suggesting Black children are inferior and destitute. We’re available for campuses, churches, schools (of all ages) and jails even. We’re here to motivate and educate them all!

My work is fulfilling because … I know it’s what I was created to do.

Affecting change for humanity means … becoming more selfless and even limitless.

Giving to a social cause is good because … it’s a great way to leave a lasting legacy

I want to make a difference for humanity because … it’s the only real way to live!

Three books and/or authors that inspire me are …

(this is tough) too many to name…Let’s just say

1) The Bible (of course)

2) Spirit-led speeches/sermons (A Good WordJ)

3) The profound work and words of our ancestors—those that spoke ‘truth to power’ unapologetically..via their own life’s journey —Harriet Ann Jacobs, Toni Morrision, Frederic Douglass, X, Dr. King, Melba Beals, Carter G., W.E.B., Howard Thurman( oh so many to name…)

My two favorite vacation spot to recharge are…

– Away from it all … in communion with God. Wherever there’s peace.

– Global travel is always great!

The four essential things I place in my bags when I take a trip are …

– My bible (God has a lot to say to me when I’m in other far-away places/spaces)

– A good book and music

– Newly purchased items for the trip

– Vegan snacks (not always easy to find things specific to my diet)

Two types of music I listen to on a trip or when working are

– Varies: Depends on my mood

– Gospel

– All things old school (hip-hop, house, etc…)

– Neosoul and real R&B is nice (no fluff or fake stuff)

Two quotes that I live by are …

John 10:37-38

“If I am not doing the works of my Father, then do not believe me. But if I do them, even though you do not believe me, believe the works, so that you may know and understand that the Father is in me and I am in the Father.”

Joshua 4:21-24

Then Joshua said to the Israelites, “In the future your children will ask, ‘What do these stones mean?’ Then you can tell them, ‘This is where the Israelites crossed the Jordan on dry ground.’ For the Lord your God dried up the river right before your eyes, and he kept it dry until you were all across, just as he did at the Red Sea when he dried it up until we had all crossed over. He did this so all the nations of the earth might know that the Lord’s hand is powerful, and so you might fear the Lord your God forever.”

Bonus: Silence isn’t always golden. Sometimes it’s cowardice – Dr. Chandra Gill

Three role models who changed my life are …

– Jesus

– My parents

– My ancestry

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