Rob Kardashian
According to Kim Kardashian, Rob was completely inaware that Jenner was posing for Vanity Fair, so when she revealed that cover to Rob with a text message, this is how he responded:
“ ‘Kim, why are you sending me this? Who is this woman and why do I care?’ And I was like, Rob, that’s Bruce — that’s Caitlyn. And he was like, ‘Oh my god, she’s beautiful.’ ” Kim said of her conversation with Rob.
“I’ve been on the phone maybe five different times sending it to all the family members … So I sent it on a mass text to everybody … It was so funny because all the girls, we knew Caitlyn was shooting this, but my brother had no idea,” she added.
Rob reportedly called Jenner right after and had a congratulatory “love fest” with her about the cover.