Peggy Hubbard became a viral sensation after she released a video rant against the “Black Lives Matter” movement. On the recording, Hubbard spoke against protesters who marched for Mansur Ball-Bey. Ball-Bey was recently shot in the back by police officers in St. Louis.
Hubbard’s biggest gripe seemed to be that protesters weren’t paying enough attention to 9-year-old Jamyla Bolden, who was killed by an unknown shooter in St. Louis.
On Hubbard’s Facebook video, she wrote, “Last night, who do you think they protested for? The thug, the criminal, because they’re howling, ‘Police brutality.’ Are you kidding me? Police brutality? How about Black brutality? You guys need to stop. You’re hollering this ‘Black Lives Matter’ stuff. It don’t matter. You’re killing each other. White people don’t care. They don’t care. Your life does not matter. If it doesn’t matter to you, then it doesn’t matter to us. That is the truth of the reality. If you don’t care, then we don’t care.”
Hubbard, a Chicago resident, is a former Navy officer who once turned her son into police. Her advice to her son was, “Don’t drop the soap.”
Hubbard is very passionate and she has a point in regard to speaking out about Black on Black crime; however, she fails to look at the entire picture in regard to systematic racism and how some police officers have biases against Black citizens.
There are many cases when unarmed Black men were killed just because a White police officer claimed that there was a threat when video proved otherwise. In recent months, we have witnessed cases such as Walter Scott and Samuel DuBose, who both were killed by police execution style.
Police are paid by taxpayers to “protect and serve” and shouldn’t be allowed to kill innocent people with impunity. Hubbard must understand that focusing on one Black cause does not take away from paying attention to another issue that should be addressed.
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