Caprice O’Bryant is the owner and head trainer of Excuse Free Fitness Inc., a personal and group training fitness studio located in Homewood, Illinois. She is a certified nutrition specialist through the National Academy of Sports Medicine and utilizes her knowledge to create custom meal plans for clients.
A warrior and advocate for epilepsy, O’Bryant recently partnered with the Epilepsy Foundation of Greater Chicago and hosts local fundraisers for the cause every quarter. She has also paired with the Miss United States Organization to become the newest Official fitness coach for Miss Illinois, Wisconsin, and Iowa. Her motto is simply “with Excuse Free Fitness, you can do all things.”
Walk us through your journey to success. How did you get to this point?
Looking back, it’s incredible to see how far that I have come but wondering how I got here is simply by the grace of God. I learned the value of taking risks pretty early in my walk as an entrepreneur. Every time I reached a new level or a new opportunity came my way it was because I stepped out on faith and believed in my God-given abilities. I took a risk to quit my job as a fitness trainer at a big corporate gym. I took a risk to be an independent contracted trainer with very few clients that followed me. But he provided all that I needed. I took a huge risk opening my own fitness center at 22, but even after a mere six weeks being open I am beginning to reap what I have sown.
What do you do to stay on top of your game professionally?
I read. When I first started as a trainer someone wise told me that I needed to know my industry better than anyone. And I learned fast that the only way to be an “expert” is to forever be a student. I’m constantly learning about nutrition and different ways to modify exercises. I don’t pretend that I know everything because there is no growth in that mindset. I also keep myself informed with who I believe are the “trailblazers” in fitness. I wouldn’t say that I model what they do but I am inspired and use that motivation to keep my hustle hat on.
How do you balance your personal life with your professional?
This question gets me every time, because fitness is a lifestyle. So I would say I do unplug as far as emails and projects when I’m with family/friends. And I have gotten better with learning to say no and taking breaks. But I don’t only eat clean and exercise when I’m at my gym, it’s who I am.
What advice would you give to a budding entrepreneur or career woman?
Never give up. Literally every time I felt like throwing in the towel, things began to turn around for my business. So you must make the decision to go for it, believe that you can, and never give up on it.
What does being a BOSS mean to you?
I believe that a BOSS is someone that holds a level of indestructible confidence. Nothing that anyone says or does is going to change my mind about the way I view myself. I believe that a BOSS practices what she preaches. I believe you are a BOSS when you are who you think you are.
For more information about Caprice, please visit www.excusefreefitness.com or follow her on Twitter at @bodiesbycaprice.
The BOSS Network is a community of career and entrepreneurial women who support each other through conversation, online and event-based networking. Their mission is to promote and encourage the small business spirit and professional development of women. For more information on The BOSS Network, please visit www.thebossnetwork.org.