Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson is making some serious noise lately. It all has to do with the reported rumor that national Republican leadership will have a brokered convention. The Washington Post released details of an emergency meeting by the Republican leadership. The meeting occurred over dinner and was led by Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus and included top Republican strategists. At issue was the commanding lead and surge in popularity by front-runner Donald Trump.
There are many within the RNC leadership that are opposed to Trump’s controversial statements and the fear that he could cause lasting damage to the Republican Party. Many believe that if he becomes the Republican nominee, a victory by a Democratic presidential candidate is a real possibility. In addition, Republicans would face harsh elections for Senate and congressional seats. To combat the Trump threat, the possibility of a “brokered convention” could take place with a push for delegates to chose an alternative other than Trump.
According to Republican sources, a “brokered convention” would take place if no candidate won the nomination on the first ballot vote.This would start a process where candidates will have to cut deals to sway delegates and as successive votes are made until a candidate has won a majority of ballots. Some delegates are bound to vote for the candidate chosen in primaries or state conventions on the first ballot. However, if no candidate wins a majority on the first ballot, delegates can vote as they wish, promising a nasty political spectacle for the Republican Party if multiple votes are taken.
Carson blasted the secret meeting that took place this week. “If the leaders of the Republican Party want to destroy the party, they should continue to hold meetings like the one described in the Washington Post this morning. If it is correct, every voter who is standing for change must know they are being betrayed. I won’t stand for it.” Carson also stated that if the rumors of a brokered convention are true “I assure you Donald Trump won’t be the only one leaving the party,” Carson said in a statement.
Trump signed a written agreement that he would not make an independent run for president with the leadership of the RNC.
“I am prepared to lose fair and square, as I am sure is Donald.But I will not sit by and watch a theft. I intend on being the nominee. If I am not, the winner will have my support. If the winner isn’t our nominee then we have a massive problem,” said Carson.
However as Trump’s popularity increases and national Republican figures repudiate his statements on a now seemingly regular basis, a third party independent run by Trump would devastate the Republican Party in 2016.