‘New York Times’ best-selling author and sexpert Mary ‘Honey B’ Morrison talks new projects

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New York Times best-selling author and self-proclaimed sexpert Mary “Honey  B” Morrison recently sat down with rolling out at the third annual Family Dollar Fabulous event in Atlanta. Morrison is all about female empowerment and also writes about social and sexual issues that impact relationships. She gave us some great info on what fabulous means to her and her personal style, as well as told her about her upcoming projects. She recently released her latest book, Baby, You’re the Best, and is excited about upcoming projects that include her vaginal exercise class. Check out what else she talked about below.

We’re here at the Family Dollar Fabulous event, and the word of the day is fabulous. What does fabulous mean to you?

“Fabulous,” [is] the woman within, the woman who’s very confident about herself, ‘cause you know, I’m pro-female empowerment, not hating on the guys but, it’s all about the woman. And I think that women need to be more comfortable from the inside out. That is why my whole sex and sexuality movement is really just to empower women more. So, that’s what’s fabulous to me, is women who are very confident about themselves.

And how in particular, would you say, how do you find that in your style and what you look like every day?

Oh my gosh, now see if you go to every day, fabulous is still what I want to wear that day, I’m going to rock it no matter what it is. Even if I’m going to the gym, I am still fabulous, if I am going out for an event, I am still fabulous. So, for me, it is still feeling great about myself when I leave out the door. So, no matter what I do, or what time of day I’m rocking it, I can have on an evening gown at 2 o’clock in the day, I’m still gon’ rock it ‘cause obviously, I have it on for a reason.

What’s your favorite style to wear?

My favorite style, oh my gosh, my favorite style to wear is maybe not the over the top popular but, I think corsets and bustiers are just the sexiest thing ever for women to wear. So, I have so many of them in my closet, I’ll probably die before I wear them all. But, you can never have too many corsets, that’s the way I feel because men like women who are like womanly so, you know, I’m not saying we always have to cater to guys but, it does it help, ‘cause you kind of get what you want when you do. I look at the other side of it.

As an author, especially when you talk with people about female empowerment, what advice do you give other females to find their fabulous?

A lot of women have been through a lot of trauma. They’ve been through sexual abuse, they’ve been raped, they’ve been molested, they’ve have had a lot of experiences so, the best thing you can do, is to never blame yourself. Because, a lot of times women feel like, “oh it’s my fault, I must’ve done something wrong to make him treat me that way.” Absolutely not, so first of all, you have to forgive yourself for anything that’s bad that has happened to you and then you have to own your own confidence from within. I know I keep going back to confidence but, you have to own it. Not just try to embrace it but, own it. And then, you know that you’re so fly and fabulous, it doesn’t matter what a guy has to say, right? You are still fly and fabulous. Why should your life be changed for the rest of your life, not for the better, because of something some idiot has done to you? Pick yourself up, forget about it, at least try to, and move on with your life and enjoy it. Don’t worry about those bad things, bad things happen to good people.

You just released a new book. What is next? What do you have going on?

I’m smiling because Baby You’re the Best is my book that just came out, and I always say with the tagline, sometimes you have to tell a man what he wants to hear, even if it is a damn lie, right? So, you go, “Baby you’re the best, uh-huh, uh-huh,” every woman needs to read that book, ‘cause we could all learn something from that. But, what I’m working on next is, I have quite a few things going on as Honey B does. And so, my new class is my vaginal aerobics class, women are absolutely loving it; no you can’t get it from the gym, you can get it from Honey B, you can take one of my classes. But, what it is that, we actually have the crystals, the crystal eggs that you use inside as you exercise. We do floor exercises, we do exercises to music; a lot of R. Kelly I might add, ‘cause I love him and you know, it just kind of just goes with the class. But, at the end of the class, it’s like, women are talking about low libido, they’re talking dryness, they’re talking about leaking, they’re talking about issues that are serious, these issues are serious, it’s a problem in our community and we really need to talk [about] it. They’re not making those Depends for nobody honey, they’re making them and they’re trying to make them cuter and cuter but, that is not daily wear, right? Do not wear those Depends honey, you need to exercise your vagina and make sure, this is for the 20-somethings too now, ‘cause you want to make sure you never have to worry about that. OK, I know I’m a chatterbox, but, the other thing I’m working on too is the screenplay for my book, Single Husbands. And a lot of people, say, “What is a single husband?” It’s plain and simple; a single husband is man who’s married who still lives like he’s single and we have a lot of them out there so, I can’t wait for this movie, which is based off of my book, to hit the big screens.

Please let everyone know where they can find you on social media.

You can find me on social media at Mary Honey B Morrison.

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