Kenya speaks with her dad about their troubled relationship
Kenya’s father comes to town to see her new home. While he’s there, Kenya thinks it’s time for them to talk about their troubled relaitonship, which she believes is one of the sources of her dysfunction when it comes to her relationship with men. Kenya opens up to her dad about the time when she was 12 and he moved her to Dallas to stay with him and the rest of his kids, and she ended up running away back to Detroit. Kenya reveals that she and her dad didn’t speak for over 5 years after she ran away and that she felt as though he had abandoned her when she needed him the most. However, Kenya’s dad explains that she broke his heart when she ran away because she shattered his dream of having his family all together with him. And he explains that she made him feel like he wasn’t good enough as a father. Both are in tears as they talk and they decide to hug each other and finally let go of the hurt they’ve caused each other.