Design Essentials’ Greg Gilmore and his colleagues kicked some really serious information at the theater 2 booth inside the Bronner Bros. hair show this weekend in Atlanta. Gilmore has gorgeous natural hair and says the healthiness of his own hair and his clients’ is within the secret of what he likes to call a hair cocktail solution. This is a mixture of products by Design Essentials.
To be more specific, Gilmore suggests, “You might want to use a combination of products as treatment before you condition. For instance, if your hair is dry, especially if you used the Peppermint and Aloe for cleansing the scalp, you might want to go back in with the Honey Creme moisture retention.
Gilmore lives in Los Angeles and is also like one of the best short hair stylists I have seen in a minute. “The Cut Life’s” Tahiry also is slayed by Gilmore and every time I see her I want to cut all my hair off.

Take a look at some of the models Gilmore has slayed with great cuts. If you have a chance to stop by the Bronner Bros. hair show in Atlanta, the Design Essentials stage is located at theater 2. There are several Design Essentials cut stylists doing classes as well if you are interested in learning how to step up your cut and hair product retail game with some of the best products on the market.

Check out the photo gallery from the Bronner Bros. hair show 2016 taking place this weekend.