In today’s digital age, it may often feel as if you can’t get it all done. Whether looking to find time in between your work schedule to do things you love or trying to make better use of your time, these tips can send your productivity soaring.
Revamping Your To Do List
It can be difficult to prioritize and delegate tasks for yourself when you have a lengthy, laundry list of things to do. Using mobile companion apps like Wunderlist and Todoist, can not only help you stay on track but also remove the useless clutter of tasks you assign to yourself. It’s important to create a to-do list each evening in order to set priorities for the following day.
The key to high amounts of productivity lay in the power of a functioning schedule. Taking the time to track what you do with your time every day for one week can give you a clear look at how you can better use your time. After analyzing how your time was used that week, you can identify and develop a scheduling system that works for you and promotes control and freedom.

Limit Your Time on Social Media
Social Media is a big productivity wormhole. The simplest thing to do during your downtime is to go scrolling Instagram, only to notice you wasted over an hour of your day liking photos and watching videos. Setting a time threshold and holding yourself accountable to that time with an alarm, can help you remain diligent about the amount of time you use on social media. The same can be applied to watching television. Most successful people read more hours a day than they spend watching television, make the switch. Exercising is a better way to utilize your down time and also releases hormones that naturally boost your mood, give you energy, and set you on a path to more productivity.

Feel Comfortable saying “No”
Making time for yourself, family and friends are important for work/life balance. In order to maintain the integrity of your time and peace, you have to feel comfortable declining invitations that can lead to compromising your productivity down the line. Properly prioritizing your time is important to help prevent a cluttered and overwhelmed mind. Use of your newly managed free time for things like self-care, distraction free breaks, and energy restoration can further promote better time management that leads to greater productivity.