5 reasons your business idea is still a dream

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What’s holding you back from starting your business? There is something but you can’t quite seem to put your finger on it. Or maybe you can put your finger on it and choose to ignore it. You cannot continue to use excuses to justify your reasons for staying put, and not moving forward on your business idea.

Below are five common excuses that you might tell yourself. 

I’m too young.

Why are you too young? You’re not too young, that’s just a blatant excuse. Your youth allows you to see your business startup from a fresh perspective. You have tons of energy, you are on the scene getting to know new people and you can see things that the older generation might have missed. Your willingness to learn and your age go hand in hand. If you want to learn something, age plays no factor. Let your youth work for you. Let your youth be your most valuable weapon going into the game.

I’m too old.

Why are you too old? You’re not too old, that’s just a blatant excuse. Your willingness to learn and your age go hand in hand. If you want to learn something, age plays no factor. Experience will allow you to bring valuable learning, insights and answers to the game that others might not bring.

I have never done it before.

This is a horrible excuse. Come up with a better one, because your life is built on firsts. Let’s take a walk down memory lane, and look at some common things you had never done before.

Learned to play sports

You went to school (never did that before)

Learned to swim (never did that before)

Went on a date (You had a first one)

Learned to drive a car

Learned to read

You have never done anything before you actually did it. You fear what you don’t know. To be afraid of something is fine, but being inexperienced is a terrible excuse. Get the experience.

Nobody will care about what I am doing.

Nobody will care if you are starting your business if it for the wrong reasons. Is money your driving force? If it’s all about the money, nobody will care. Are you using people and promoting others to make yourself look good? If so, nobody will care. Selfish motivations will be exposed, and you can’t fake authenticity.

Your mission should be to make an impact, to create change and to inspire. Someone out there will care, because they share your beliefs and your mission. Now you have to get out there and find them.

I’ll do it eventually.

No, you won’t. You never do. What the hell are you waiting for? Get to work on it, because you will eventually run out of tomorrows. Just do it. You’ll be a lot more satisfied when you get started on your business.

I don’t have time.

Cut it out. You make time for the things that are important to you. If happiness and success are not important to you then good luck. Seriously.

You have all the time, resources, and knowledge at your disposal that is required to be great. Of course, you will hit some bumps in the road and have setbacks. Who hasn’t? It’s a choice to never stop until you get what you want. It’s a choice to view yourself as limitless to all possibilities. It’s a choice to stop at nothing until everyone knows your name. So what are you waiting for? Get started!

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