Millennials and Gen X are ready to lead

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Millennials and Gen X’ers are the exact opposite of the previous generations that came before them. They know what they want and are poised to get it. Is it the heightened media focus on celebrities, superstars, fancy cars and diamond rings? Could it be that people are witnessing millennials and Gen X’ers pushing the envelope and becoming the go-to group when it comes to marketing and advertisement? Some say they are lazy, don’t have the work ethic and don’t have respect for those who came before us. I say that millennials and Gen X’ers are earning the respect of many and have just begun.

Thinking outside the cube

For most, the thought of working for fortune 500 companies, or leading the traditional 9-5 life is something of the distant past. For this crew of creators and innovators, the framework of career development has blown up and changed drastically. Millennials and Gen X’ers are skipping the traditional corporate track altogether and still becoming highly successful.

Movers and shakers

Millennials and Gen X’ers are all about the hustle. Side hustle here, side hustle there. This hustle mentality forces this group to make the right contacts and use their network of people to get startup ideas off the ground. The pressure to follow the traditional path of going off to college, and working for a company is released by creativity and the desire to have control of their life.

Tech savvy 

Albert Einstein was passed over for a promotion because he had not mastered the technology of his time: Machines. Millennials and Gen X’ers are on top of technology by maximizing the use of the Internet, social media and social networking. Digitally hyper-connected, Millennials and Gen X’ers are able to use various platforms to virally reach target audiences.

Positive energy

Millennials and Gen X’ers are passionate about doing good, and by good I mean inspiring and uplifting people to become their best. A generation that has lived through world-changing events such as 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina has developed a strong social awareness which is amplified by technology. These young men and women are used to having choices and options and with this, there is a high expectation set upon them, but they are ready to meet the challenge. Millennials and Gen X’ers are engaged in the world and feel it is up to them to assume the responsibility of making a lasting positive impact on the future.

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