If you think you loved Shemar Moore in the TV show “Criminal Minds,” in soap operas, as host of “Soul Train” or in The Brothers with Bill Bellamy, you will be surprised by the character he portrays in his new film, The Bounce Back. Moore expressed excitement about playing the role of a dad (because he doesn’t have any children). He also plays the role of a jilted divorcee who is looking for a different definition of love to help him deal with the pain. Moore and Bellamy’s undeniable chemistry on camera is utilized to full effect in their latest project.

Always taking his career to the next level, or new heights, Moore was on a mission to bring a different type of film to the box office. Without the initial support of Hollywood studios, Moore decided to start a GoFundMe campaign, raising money from his “babygirls” to the tune of 630K, then matching that amount with his own money; and then he hit up his celebrity friends and investors in order to produce The Bounce Back with his own funds so he could approach the Hollywood studios on his own terms with his own cash. Now that is a smart businessman.

The relationship situations are believable, and everyone will be able to relate to at least one of the scenarios in the film. I’ve already committed to purchasing the DVD after I invite all my friends to see the movie in theaters on Dec. 9.