Atlanta Public School’s Reading Across The Curriculum on Read Across America Day, which is also Dr. Seuss’ birthday, attracted leaders in media, entertainment, business, politics, higher education, the U.S. Armed Forces and the nonprofit world. All spent one hour or more reading with local students during the month of March. The initiative is part of Atlanta’s National Reading Month programming and is facilitated by school media specialists, civic and nonprofit organizations and community volunteers. This writer participated in the event at Continental Colony Elementary School in Atlanta’s Greenbriar community. It is always such a rewarding experience.
“We’re extremely grateful for the tremendous support from the local community and the enthusiasm of our volunteers to help expand the minds and impact the lives of children,” says Frances Murray, a local retired school guidance counselor who first started the event. “Reading aloud to children is one of the most important ways we can help position them for a bright future. We hope this will be an event that our community partners, volunteers and students will look forward to each year.”