The cheap wines of the ghetto are now becoming the must-have drink of White hipsters as “wino chic” becomes the new thing. Classic cheap wines for under $3.99 are being reinvented at parties and dive bars that normally would not be seen in 2017 unless they were in a 1970’s-themed Quentin Tarantino movie. Names such as Thunderbird, MD 20/20 and Wild Irish Rose Wine have entered the lexicon of hipster drinks that were was once considered harmful and a stereotype of the Black inner city.
These beverages are known as fortified wines and have been a mainstay for a cheap high among the poor and some college students. There are many tales that have MD 20/20 and other cheap wines as the main culprit in the “never again” promises of early morning hangovers. So sugar the rim of your plastic Solo Red Cups and add a lemon garnish to enjoy some of these ghetto wine cocktails.
See a few recipes below.
The Lower Socio-eco Background shooter:
1/2 oz. Bacardi 151 Proof Rum (more Bacardi 151 Proof Rum drinks)
1/2 oz. Vodka (more Vodka drinks)
dash(es) Mad Dog 20/20 (Grape) (more Mad Dog 20/20 drinks)
2 drop(s) Malt Liquor (OE if available) (more Malt Liquor drinks)
The Buddy:
2 1/2 shots Strawberry-Kiwi Mad Dog 20/20
12 oz Mountain Dew
How-to: Pour Mad Dog and Mountain Dew into a glass (plastic beer glasses work the best). Stir. Add a couple ice cubes.
4 oz Mad Dog 20/20 or Night Train
6 oz cheap Champagne
2 oz Vodka
Dalbo Dog:
2 oz Krogstad aquavit
3/4 oz Blue Raspberry MD “Mad Dog” 20/20
3/4 oz lime juice
1/4 oz agave nectar
1 egg white
3 drops Novo Fogo Cherribiscus bitters for garnish
Equal parts Red Bull and Thunderbird Wine
3 oz of Night Train
3 oz of Tequila
Serve over ice.