There isn’t an employer in America who would allow such a consistent level of incompetence to exist as we’ve been subjected to with Donald Trump as the president. You couldn’t sell a Wendy’s burger out of Burger King’s drive-through window without expecting to be terminated. But because millions of bewildered Americans somehow believed an unqualified person could do such an important job, we are now being forced to live in a time where the most incompetent president in history currently works in the Oval Office.
Here are the 10 things Trump has done to disgrace America since becoming president.
Trump reportedly gave highly classified information to Russian officials
President Donald Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian officials. The gaffe occurred on May 10 when Trump met with Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. The meeting happened one day after Trump fired FBI Director James Comey. The following day, Trump defended his decision to give Russians the top secret information.
Trump fired James Comey because of the Russia investigation
Trump hastily fired the head of the FBI, James Comey. Comey was fired because he was the head of an investigation into Russia’s involvement with the 2016 presidential election. The former FBI chief reportedly wanted more funding to investigate whether Trump administration officials were also involved in helping Russia. Trump would later threaten Comey on Twitter.
Trump met with Russian officials without inviting U.S. media into the meeting
During his meeting with Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Ambassador Sergey Kislyak at the White House, Trump would not allow U.S. media into the room. However, Russian media were allowed inside and took photos.
Trump initiated the probable dismantling of Obamacare for a more horrific plan
Trump campaigned on dismantling Obamacare. Although it was a highly political initiative, Trump and the Republicans have yet to come up with a better plan. According the CBO, over 24 million Americans would lose health insurance under Trumpcare.
Trump has promoted White supremacy and racial hatred
Research has shown that more racist attitudes have emerged in schools since the election of Donald Trump. One day following the election, students at York County School of Technology in Pennsylvania yelled “White power.” In Philadelphia, White students spray-painted swastikas and other racist symbols on the walls. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, racist incidents continue to rise after Trump used White supremacy as a bedrock of his campaign.
Trump took away healthy lunch for kids to destroy Michelle Obama’s legacy
Trump dismantled Michelle Obama’s initiative to provide healthier lunches in school. Obama blasted Trump, “Think about why someone is OK with your kids eating crap,” she said at a public health summit. “You have to stop and think, why don’t you want our kids to have good food at school? What is wrong with you? And why is that a partisan issue? Why would that be political? What is going on?”
Trump dropped a $341 million bomb to only kill 36 members of ISIS
On April 13, Trump called for American troops to drop the nation’s largest non-nuclear bomb on Afghanistan. The Massive Ordnance Air Blast Bomb, nicknamed the “mother of all bombs,” was dropped on a cave where ISIS members were allegedly hiding. The MOAB, equipped with the power of 18,000 pounds of tribunal explosives, reportedly cost American taxpayers $341 million. Reportedly, only 36 alleged ISIS members were killed.
Trump hired Michael Flynn after Barack Obama warned him about Flynn’s ties to Russia
After Trump was elected, Obama warned him against hiring Flynn. Trump ignored Obama and Flynn had to eventually step down as national security adviser after it was discovered that he had communications with Russian officals.
Trump named Jeff Sessions as head of the Justice Department although he lied about ties to Russia
Trump named Jeff Sessions as head of the Justice Department after it was discovered that he lied about a meeting with a Russian official. Sessions is also being investigated for ties with Russia.
Trump’s Muslim ban
Trump initiated the ban on Jan. 27, 2017, by signing an executive order. Three judges ruled against the ban, stating in part, “We hold that the Government has not shown a likelihood of success on the merits of its appeal, nor has it shown that failure to enter a stay would cause irreparable injury.” He continues to push for the ban. Another issue with the ban was that it also worked in Trump’s favor. Although Trump intiated a ban on seven Muslim-majority countries, he failed to issue a ban on the Muslim countries where he has business interests.