The White House is overrun with roaches, rats and ants

The White House is overrun with roaches, rats and ants
Photo: Twitter-@WhiteHouse

It seems incredible to even say this, but 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. has a serious vermin problem – uhhh, we’re talking about the ones that crawl around on four or more legs, that is.

A number of work orders at the White House show an infestation of cockroaches, ants and mice, all which have taken up residence in multiple places throughout the historic edifice, NBC 4 Washington reported. The station got its hands on the hundreds of work orders showing a number of requests to deal with vermin in the White House, including mice in the situation room and the White House Navy mess food service area. 

A work order stated that mouse traps had to be set outside Vice President Mike Pence’s outer office along with the ground floor of the West Wing.

It appears the traps worked to perfection; later entries noted dead mice, with one request reading, “Landscape shop to check all the traps in the West Wing…because they’re smelling something funky or dead mouse,” the news outlet reported.

In addition to dealing with the pressures of the job, and to mop up after his boss’ many verbal messes, Chief of Staff John Kelly has to contend with a colony of ants living in his office. Keeping in mind that the White House is over 200 years old, the men and women running the place for Donald Trump do have access to the best technology and rodent-killing material in the world. At least you would think. 

The Oval Office bathroom, one work order stated, was also in need of a new toilet seat, with directions that it be installed “after hours please.”

Plenty of the work orders were mundane requests to hang up TVs, replace light bulbs, and fix leaky faucets in the White House, which is now more than 200 years old.

Other instructions included shining a light on the ways in which the Trumps are making the White House their own.

Drapes were installed in Melania Trump’s office, with specific instructions from the designer that read, “I would like the drapery to break the floor — touching but not puddling.”

The Oval Office was also deemed “too cold,” with one request asking that the temperature be raised by two degrees.

Trump, who reportedly called the White House a “real dump,” called for renovations in the West Wing. In addition to new wallpaper, the Oval Office was notably fitted with gold drapes.

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