The smoking gun, or in this case, the smoking video, of Donald Trump using the n-word is lying low somewhere like a seething volcano that you know is going to erupt at any time.
Actually, we have an idea when the ominous volcano will erupt to befoul the airwaves and discolor the national discourse. Former White House aid and author Omarosa Manigault Newman predicts the tape will be released just prior to the mid-term elections.
During her always entertaining yet confusing TV interviews, this latest one with ABC’s “The View,” Manigault Newman was asked about her previously unqualified support for Trump, 72, prior to her abrupt termination from the White House last year, and whether she had personally heard him use the inflammatory racial slur.
“I don’t [have] the tape. I’ve heard the tape and they’ve been talking about releasing it. I’m suspecting they’re going to release it around the midterms,” Omarosa said to the co-hosts, saying that she heard Trump say the n-word on the alleged tape.
Comedian/actor Tom Arnold said that during taping “The Apprentice,” Trump was frequently heard using vulgar and racist language off-camera.
As explosive as the tape may be, Omarosa doesn’t believe that Trump will lose any support from his infamously loyal political base.
“The Trump-world cult will probably applaud when they hear him say it because they’re desensitized to his racist ways,” she said while promoting her new book, Unhinged: An Insider’s Account of the Trump White House.
Omarosa, 44, who has been blasted for engaging in subterfuge during her interviews, tried to justifying flippng on the man she has credited as being a friend and mentor since they first worked together on “The Apprentice” 15 years ago.
“When you’re in an interpersonal relationship with somebody, if you find that person is an arsonist you’re not going to stand by and keep handing them gasoline. I discovered that Donald Trump was an arsonist trying to burn down this country. And, in some way, I was complicit in handing him matches and giving him more fuel for his fires,” she said.
Since her ouster from the White House, Omarosa says the West Wing is now a Black-free zone.
“As the only African American assistant to the President, the only African American senior staffer working in the White House, I was afraid that the agenda that helped folks in my community would be abandoned, and right now I can tell you there is no African American senior staffer working in the White House,” Manigault Newman said.