Sports marketing executive providing opportunities for young Black men

Sports marketing executive providing opportunities for young Black men
Photo provided by Greg Jones II

Gary, Indiana, native Gregory Jones II is the owner of G2 Hoops LLC, a sports marketing and event management company. G2 Hoops specializes in grassroots basketball, providing a platform for young athletes to hone their skills.

How do you utilize your knowledge to benefit and inspire others?

I utilize my knowledge and experience to help parents, coaches, trainers and young athletes make informative decisions.

If you were to give a speech to young men, what would you title your speech and why?

I would title my speech “Surviving vs. Thriving.” [There’s] a big difference between the two. Most young black men are trying to survive in America. I want young black men to have more opportunities.

What two quotes do you use to motivate yourself and others?

“There is nothing permanent except change.” –Heraclitus

“Everything has beauty but not everyone can see it.” –Confucius

Name two iconic humans who have inspired you or currently inspire you. Why?

Muhammad Ali [was an] amazing man [who] spoke his mind during a time where African Americans needed a voice. [He] sacrificed his own career to stand up for the voiceless.

Martin Luther King Jr.’s I Have A Dream speech [was the] most iconic speech ever.

Please share the evolution of your brand and purpose.

I started with just wanting to help others. Giving my testimony and life experiences hoping it would motivate and influence people in the basketball community. Now my G2 Hoops brand has evolved beyond basketball into other industries. My purpose to prepare young athletes for the next level. That could be high school, college or professional.

How do you build your network for success?

Two of the biggest things for me are word of mouth and social media. All though we have technology at the tips of our fingers word of mouth is the best form of networking. I believe quality over quantity is law.

What two moments in your life changed you the most?

Having a serious injury that eventually led me to stop playing basketball competitively is the biggest moment in my life. It shaped me into the person that I am today. I don’t believe I would be doing the things I am in 2018 if that moment did not happen.

Making my mind up to start my company. You have to take risks in life.

What are three important pieces of advice you would give your son, future son or godson?

1. Keep God first.

2. Never give up.

3. Believe in yourself.

What piece of advice would you give your teenage self?

Life isn’t going to go the way you think. If you stick with it during the hard times the outcome will be better than you could imagine.

What advice would you give to young men about dealing with their emotions?

It’s OK to seek help. Mental health is extremely important. Don’t be afraid to speak to someone.

If you could leave a legacy to your children or grandchildren, what would it be?

Providing a formula to thrive in life and paving a road to success.

Social media:

Twitter/Instagram @1gjones2


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