The NBA playoffs are underway and several star players have been hurt, as this season is looking more like who can maintain a healthy roster as opposed to who’s the best in the league. After news of Kawhi Leonard possibly suffering an ACL injury came down this week, LeBron James called out the league once again for its rushed season, which many believe played a pivotal role in the rash of injuries.
“I only wanted to protect the well being of the players which ultimately is the PRODUCT & BENEFIT of OUR GAME! These injuries isn’t just ‘PART OF THE GAME. It’s the lack of PURE RIM REST rest before starting back up. 8, possibly 9 ALL-STARS has missed Playoff games(most in league history). This is the best time of the year for our league and fans but missing a ton of our fav players. It’s insane,” the Los Angeles Laker star tweeted.
Kyrie Irving, James Harden, Anthony Davis and Jamal Murray are just a few star players who’ve been sidelined during the playoff run.
“If there’s one person that know about the body and how it works all year round it’s ME! I speak for the health of all our players and I hate to see this many injuries this time of the year. Sorry fans wish you guys were seeing all your fav guys right now,” James also tweeted.
LeBron also mentioned on Twitter that he tried to warn the NBA officials that rushing back two months after the 2020 NBA Finals was too soon and the athletes didn’t have enough time for their bodies to heal and rejuvenate. “They all didn’t wanna listen to me about the start of the season. I knew exactly what would happen,” James also stated in his tweet.
Check out King James’ chastising the league below.