Although Tinder was not the first dating app, it was the app that most impacted the dating scene with its swipe-right feature. Since its debut, several other apps have flooded the industry but this has only led to users feeling burnt out.
Rolling out interviewed a couple of millennials who are on dating apps. Find out what these users had to say about their experiences.
What dating apps have you used?
Higher education professional, B. Jade, mentioned how she has used apps such as BLK, Tinder, and Hinge. Sports broadcaster, Drew White also mentioned he was on Hinge but also has used Bumble and Facebook. Digital marketing manager, Dezzy, mentioned that he currently is not on any dating apps but has used some in the past.
Are you single, in a relationship, dating, or a situation-ship?
All three millennials claimed to be single, but White and Dezzy are currently mingling with others.
What has your experience been like with dating apps?
Jade: Disappointing but I’m someone who needs to be able to feel people out in person. I have no desire to talk to anyone in an app all day. I get bored quickly.
White: It’s been a roller coaster, but it’s been good mostly. I have learned so much about myself and I try to take away something from each date.
Dezzy: In the last 2 years, I’ve preferred to take out women I’ve met organically.
Do you find them draining or have they led you to burnout?
Jade claimed to have felt “drained before from keeping up with basic conversations with strangers.” White also mentioned that it can be stressful and lead to burnout. He has learned to “take some time to heal and process things.” Dezzy spoke on how in the past he felt burnt out from the “same cadence of pleasantries and flirting.”
What do you think dating apps can improve on?
Jade: If there was a way to only see people who want what you’re looking for and/or have shared interests, that would be helpful. I also think that background checks would provide some peace of mind.
White: Make it more fun and less tedious when it comes to info. I think more people will connect with long-lasting relationships if they have mutual friends.
Dezzy: I believe the “swipe to like” model has gotten stale. I personally like Bumble’s model of letting one party interact first before a conversation can begin.
Any tips for people trying to find love?
Jade’s advice was to simply, “do what works for you. She went on to say, “I know so many people who have found love on dating apps.” White also took a positive approach by saying, “always allow yourself grace and understand the Lord has someone for you. It’s not gonna be the perfect person, but the right person.” Dezzy simply added, “if you try too hard you’ll miss out on someone special.”