G Herbo shot at while onstage at Clark Atlanta University

The rapper was in the middle of a peformance when chaos and panic ensued
Hip-Hop artist G Herbo discusses what inspired him to rap (Photo by Derrel Jazz Johnson for rolling out)
G Herbo (Photo by Derrel Jazz Johnson for rolling out)

Someone tried to shoot down Rapper G Herbo while he was performing at the famed Atlanta University Center on Saturday, Oct. 15, 2022.

The 27-year-old rapper, who was born in Chicago under the name Herbert Randall Wright III, was performing at a Clark Atlanta University homecoming party when a gunshot rang out in the direction of the stage. 

According to social media postings, Herbo was immersed in his performance and moving about the stage when fans heard what was clearly a gunshot.

Bedlam immediately ensued as the social media user’s camera, initially pointing at the stage, was now pointing at the floor as folks scattered or ducked.

A cacophony of noises caused by panicked students can be heard ln the recording a voice can be clearly made out in the background saying to “stay down.”

There are very few details as of Sunday morning, but there are no reported injuries to G Herbo or his entourage nor to the audience members. 

Hip Hop Daily reports that an unidentified man has been arrested by members of the Atlanta Police Department.

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